Cancer learning topics

The Survivorship learning package, developed by The Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre - A Richard Pratt Legacy and Cancer Australia, is now available on the Cancer Institute NSW eviQ Cancer Education Online website. This package is relevant to all health professionals.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - lung cancer
This topic is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers, Health Practitioners and Aboriginal Liaison Officers involved in the care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with lung cancer. It can also be used by nurses and other allied health professionals as well as students.

Strengthening the capabilities of our world-class cancer nursing workforce

Lung cancer
The Australian Government has responded to support the needs of people affected by lung cancer through the development of best practice resources. The learning modules within the Lung Cancer package highlight these resources and encourage health professionals working with people affected by lung cancer to implement evidence based practices.

Breast cancer
Cancer Australia has developed six breast cancer online courses in collaboration with the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM). The courses are available free of charge on ACRRM’s online learning platform. If you are not an ACRRM member and wish to apply for free access to these courses (sponsored via Cancer Australia), please click here to register.

Multidisciplinary care
What is multidisciplinary care? What are the benefits of MDC? Where can I find out more?

The Framework for Psychosexual Care of Women with Gynaecological Cancers has been developed to describe the knowledge, skills and abilities required of health professionals working with women at risk of, or who are experiencing psychosexual concerns associated with gynaecological cancer or its treatments.